Animated Explainer Video

Best Practices for Animated Video Length

The right length for an animated explainer video is key to its success. If it’s too long or too short, people may not watch it. In the past, TV ads were 15 or 30 seconds due to restrictions. But now, the internet and social media let us choose how long videos should be.

Where you plan to share your video matters a lot. Each platform, like YouTube or Instagram, has its own rules for video length. Knowing where your audience likes to watch videos helps you pick the perfect length. This way, you can make sure your message gets across and keeps viewers interested.

Key Takeaways:

  • An animated explainer video’s length can impact viewer engagement and interest.
  • Different platforms have different limitations on video length.
  • Consider the most valuable platform for reaching your target audience.
  • Create videos that effectively convey your message and keep your audience interested.
  • Understanding video length best practices can help maximize the impact of animated explainer videos.

The Impact of Animation Placement and Distribution on Video Length

When making an animated video, think about where and how you’ll share it to get the length right. TV ads used to be 15 or 30 seconds long. But now, thanks to social media, websites, and email, the rules have changed.

Different platforms have their own rules for how long videos should be. Knowing these rules helps you connect better with your audience. By choosing where to put your animation wisely, you can reach the people you want to talk to.

Let’s look at some examples to see how animation and where you put it changes video length:

1. Social Media Platforms

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter each have their own way of doing things with video. They all have different ideas about how long videos should be.

Facebook has found that short, catchy videos under 15 seconds work best. Videos with captions are key because many watch without sound.

Instagram lets you post different kinds of videos. In-post videos are usually 30 seconds, perfect for showing what your brand does. Instagram Stories are quick 15-second clips that tell a story. Use cool thumbnails and captions to make people watch.

Twitter likes quick, to-the-point videos. Videos that are 20-45 seconds long get more likes and shares. Adding captions makes your video more accessible and interesting.

2. Websites and Email Marketing

Websites and emails are great ways to share animated videos. The right length depends on your goals and who you’re talking to. Short, interesting videos are usually the way to go on websites.

With email marketing, the perfect video length can change. A great thumbnail that makes people want to click can lead them to longer videos if needed.

3. Other Distribution Mediums

Beyond social media and emails, there are other ways to share your videos. Each one has a different audience expecting different things.

YouTube is good for longer videos, like tutorials. But ads here should be short to keep the viewer’s attention.

Mobile apps often work best with short videos. Know the app and who uses it to pick the right video length.

For presentations, use short, engaging animated videos. They make your point stand out and help people remember it.

Animation and where you put it really matter for video length. By choosing the right length for each place you share your video, you can make sure more people watch and get your message.

How Social Media Changed Video Consumption and Creation

Social media has changed how we view and make videos. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and WhatsApp have led the charge. They offer various ways to share and interact with video content.

Each platform has rules for how long videos can be. Instagram lets users post stories, reels, feed videos, and even longer videos on IGTV. Facebook has different video types like posts, live streams, and ads. Snapchat focuses on short, temporary videos. WhatsApp is great for sharing videos with people you know.

Knowing what each platform does helps you choose what videos to make. For example, Instagram Stories are short, only 15 seconds each, making them great for quick shares. IGTV videos, however, can be up to 10 minutes, perfect for more detailed stories.

The rise of social media has also shaped video creation. Influencers, companies, and regular folks now craft videos specifically for these platforms. Because we tend to have short attention spans online, successful videos are usually short and eye-catching. They quickly get to the point.

Key Takeaways:

  • Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and WhatsApp have changed video consumption and creation.
  • Each platform has its own limitations on video length.
  • Understanding where your audience engages the most can help determine the type of video to produce and the required duration.
  • Shorter videos are popular on social media platforms, catering to the shorter attention spans of users.

The Ideal Length for Different Types of Animated Videos

Animated videos come in many styles, each needing a different length. Types like educational videos, explainer videos, 2D and 3D animation, motion graphics, and whiteboard videos all have unique needs. These needs affect how long a video should be to keep viewers interested and get the message across.

Educational Videos:

Educational videos aim to make complex topics simple. They usually last between 3 to 10 minutes. This time helps break down hard subjects, making them easier to understand. They cover things like science or how-to guides. The longer format helps viewers learn well.

Explainer Videos:

Explainer videos introduce new products, services, or ideas. They’re short, between 60 and 90 seconds. This length keeps the video engaging but informative. It’s just right to hold attention without boring the viewer. These videos work well in tech and many other areas.

2D Animation, 3D Animation, Motion Graphics, and Whiteboard Videos:

Other animated videos use different techniques. The right length depends on what the video aims to do. Some might be short to focus on one idea. Others could be longer to dive deep into a topic. It’s important to match the video’s length with its goal and what the audience expects.

educational videos

Choosing the right length for animated videos is crucial for keeping viewers engaged. It’s about fitting the video to the content type. This decision impacts how memorable the video will be. Knowing your audience is key to nailing the perfect length for your animated video, no matter the type.

Why Shorter Videos Are Preferred

Shorter videos are getting more popular online. Content creators and viewers both like them. They have several benefits.

Viewer Attention

Short videos are great for keeping people’s attention. In our quick digital world, attention spans are short. Viewer interest drops after just a few minutes.

Short and clear videos can capture and keep an audience’s focus. This helps throughout the whole video.

Quality Views

Short videos often get more quality views. If a video is brief, viewers are more likely to watch it fully. This means the video’s message reaches the audience better.

Also, videos watched entirely have more likes, shares, and comments. This shows that people are engaging more with the content.

Time and Cost-Effective

Making short videos saves time and money. You need less scripting, filming, editing, and post-production. This makes the process easier and cheaper, without losing video quality.

“Shorter videos are more accessible, ensuring higher viewer engagement and delivering the intended message more effectively.” – Jane Doe

There’s no set rule for the best video length. But shorter videos are often better. They increase engagement and completion rates, and save resources.

Yet, the video’s content and goals should guide its length. Sometimes, longer videos are needed to fully cover a topic.

Finding the right balance is key. Testing and getting feedback help find the best length for different contents. This way, videos remain captivating and powerful.

Main Benefits of Shorter Videos Detailed Analysis
Higher viewer attention Shorter videos capture and maintain viewer attention more effectively due to the shrinking attention spans in the digital age.
More quality views Viewers are more likely to watch shorter videos in their entirety, leading to higher completion rates and better engagement metrics.
Time and cost-effective Producing shorter videos requires fewer resources, saving time and money without compromising the impact and effectiveness of the content.

Understanding Video Length Best Practices on Facebook

Video content is big on Facebook, making up 15% of all content. Videos draw in viewers and get 59% more engagement compared to other types. Knowing the best video length for different content types is key to success.

For video ads, going short is usually best. People’s attention spans on social media are short. It’s crucial to grab their interest fast. Short video ads get the point across without losing the viewer’s interest. Organic videos, like live streams, can be longer since viewers tend to stick around more.

Don’t forget to use captions for your videos. A lot of people watch without sound. So, captions help make sure viewers get your message. They also make your videos more accessible to everyone, even when they can’t have the sound on.

Here’s a quick guide to the best video lengths on Facebook:

Video Type Ideal Length
Video Ads Short duration, typically under 30 seconds
Organic Videos Varies based on content, longer durations for live streams

Getting engagement right on Facebook is important. Understanding video length best practices can boost your reach and impact. By choosing the right video lengths for your audience and platform, you can make the most out of your Facebook videos.

Optimal Video Length for Instagram

Instagram is a visual platform that loves engaging videos. To hit the mark with your Instagram videos, thinking about the best length is key.

In-Post Videos:

Try to make in-post videos about 30 seconds long. This length is great for grabbing attention and getting your message across. Shorter videos work best on Instagram as they keep people interested and encourage them to interact more.

Instagram Stories:

Instagram stories offer a quick way to share. They are best kept up to 15 seconds. This helps people watch them fully and stay interested. Using several short stories to share a bigger story works really well to keep your audience hooked.


IGTV is for longer videos, up to 10 minutes. It’s perfect for sharing more detailed content. But, remember, not as many people may watch IGTV as they do stories or in-feed videos. Use eye-catching thumbnails and captions to get more views and engagement on IGTV.

Instagram Video Length

To really catch the eye of Instagram users, your videos need to be short and visually appealing. Try out different lengths and see what your audience likes most. Use great thumbnails, captions, and hashtags to get found and spark conversations. By fitting your videos to Instagram’s various formats, you can boost your visibility and interaction on this popular platform.

Video Length Best Practices on Twitter

Twitter is a key place for video content, where you really need to be. Videos on Twitter get ten times more attention than those without. This makes it perfect for sharing your animated explainer videos.

The best video length for tweets and ads is 20 to 45 seconds. But they can be longer if you need to say more. Remember, people on social media have short attention spans. You must catch their attention fast, within the first few seconds.

Adding captions to your videos is a smart move. Since many watch without sound, captions help them get your message. This way, they can still enjoy your videos without needing to hear them.

Twitter is great for showing off your animated videos and grabbing your audience. Stick to these video length tips to get the most out of Twitter for your marketing.

“Video tweets on Twitter receive ten times more engagement than tweets without videos.”

Recommendations for Video Length on YouTube

YouTube is the top platform for watching videos, with over 1 billion hours watched daily. To make your videos catch the eye and keep your audience hooked, it’s crucial to choose the right video length. This helps your content stand out on YouTube.

Shorter videos tend to work better for YouTube ads. Six-second bumper ads quickly grab viewers’ attention and are very effective. Pre-roll ads last between 15 to 20 seconds. They give you a bit more time to get your message across.

The best length for regular YouTube videos depends on what you are showing and who you want to watch it. Short videos can grab attention fast, perfect for certain topics. But, if you have a great story or valuable info, longer videos can keep viewers interested.

Finding the right balance is crucial. It’s about catching interest and offering something worth watching. Try out various lengths, watch how your audience reacts, and listen to their comments. This can guide you to the ideal video length for your channel.

Engage your viewers with optimized YouTube video lengths:

  1. Create shorter bumper ads of around six seconds to capture attention quickly.
  2. Utilize pre-roll ads ranging from 15 to 20 seconds to deliver your message effectively.
  3. Experiment with different video lengths for regular videos to find the optimal duration for your content.
  4. Consider longer-form videos if you have a compelling story or valuable information to share.
  5. Analyze audience engagement metrics and gather viewer feedback to refine your video length strategy.

Keeping your viewers interested is the aim. Whether it’s a quick ad or a longer story, knowing what your audience likes and providing valuable content is the secret to thriving on YouTube.


Finding the right length for an animated video is key to keep viewers hooked and get your message across. This choice depends on where the video will be shown, who’s watching, and what it’s about. Usually, shorter videos work best. They grab attention quickly and are easy to watch and make.

Yet, for teaching something complex or telling a longer story, you might need more time. It’s all about balancing information with viewer interest.

It’s also crucial to stay updated on video length trends for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Each has its own rules and user expectations. Making videos that fit these guidelines helps them perform better and reach more people.

Keeping your content engaging and focusing on quality are important for success on any platform. Tailor your animated explainer videos to meet these standards.

By using these best practices and understanding each platform, creators can make videos that stand out, boost their brand, and prompt viewers to act. Testing and learning from how viewers react to different video lengths will guide you in improving your strategy. As tech changes, so will the best video lengths for engaging audiences in the ever-changing world of animated explainer videos.


How does the duration of an animated explainer video affect its success?

The video’s length can make or break viewer interest. It’s crucial for the success of an animated video.

How does the distribution method and platform affect the ideal length for an animated video?

The platform and how you share your video matters a lot. Think about where your audience is to decide your video’s length.

How has social media changed video consumption and creation?

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook have transformed video watching and making.

What is the ideal length for different types of animated videos?

Educational videos are usually 3 to 10 minutes. Explainer videos often last 60-90 seconds. Different animations like 2D and 3D have their own ideal lengths. This depends on what the video is for.

Why are shorter videos preferred?

Short videos get to the point and save time and money. It’s best to keep videos brief.

What is the ideal video length best practices on Facebook?

Facebook videos get more engagement. Shorter ads and longer live streams work best here. Always add captions for viewers watching without sound.

What is the optimal video length for Instagram?

Instagram in-post videos should be about 30 seconds. Stories are best under 15 seconds. For IGTV, up to 10 minutes is good. Use great thumbnails and captions for more views and interaction.

What are the best video length practices on Twitter?

On Twitter, keep video tweets and ads to 20-45 seconds. Capturing attention quickly and using captions are key for engagement.

What are the recommendations for video length on YouTube?

YouTube ad lengths vary: bumper ads are six seconds; pre-roll ads are 15-20 seconds. Regular videos’ length should fit the story and value offered. Longer formats can work if they keep viewers interested.

How can I determine the optimal length for an animated video?

Choosing the right video length involves knowing your platform, audience, and content. Shorter is usually better for engagement and cost. For educational or detailed content, longer might be necessary. Keep up with trends and platform preferences to make your explainer videos effective.

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