Animated Explainer Video

Why Every Business Needs an Animated Explainer Video in Their Marketing Arsenal

Finding ways to stand out and engage your audience is key in today’s business world. An animated explainer video serves as a great tool for this. A report by Wyzowl in 2020 found that 96% of people have watched such a video to learn about a product or service. This shows how valuable they are for businesses.

An animated explainer video is a short, fun video that explains your message in a colorful way. You can use these videos to talk about your business, simplify complex ideas, or highlight your products or services. They grab your audience’s attention easily with their appealing visuals and get your point across well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Animated explainer videos are highly engaging and can capture the attention of your audience.
  • These videos are an effective way to convey complex information in a concise and visually appealing manner.
  • Explainer videos can be used in various marketing strategies, including introductions, tutorials, and sales collateral.
  • They offer a solid return on investment by increasing reach, traffic, time on site, and conversions.
  • Incorporating animated explainer videos into your marketing arsenal is essential for the success of your business.

What Is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is a short, informative video often lasting from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. It makes learning about new things colorful, fun, and engaging. These videos can introduce concepts, break down ideas, or give tutorials.

They work well because they help our brains take in and understand info easily. Explainer videos save time by avoiding the need for repeat demos. Plus, they connect with us emotionally through voice-over, music, and visuals.

They also boost business by drawing more visitors, enhancing time spent on websites, and increasing sales. Such videos are great tools for sharing what a company does and its values.

Why Do Explainer Videos Work?

Explainer videos are popular because they share information in an engaging way. But why are they so effective? Let’s explore the reasons for their success.

Easier Information Digestion

Humans like to learn through both seeing and hearing. Explainer videos combine visuals with narration, making tough ideas easier to get. This mix helps viewers understand better while they watch and listen.

Resource-Saving Solution

Explainer videos also save time and effort. Instead of repeating demos or long talks, companies can simply show a video. This approach lets them focus more on important work.

Emotional Connection

Videos do more than just show images; they make us feel. Explainer videos use voice, music, and pictures to touch our emotions. This makes the stories they tell more powerful and memorable, connecting viewers and brands closely.

Increased Reach, Traffic, and Conversions

Explainer videos also offer great benefits, like more views and site visits. They engage viewers who then share the videos, reaching more people. This helps grow brand awareness, bring more visitors to sites, and increase sales.

Combining visuals and sound, explainer videos grab our attention, share information clearly, and make a lasting impact. These videos turn complicated ideas into easy-to-understand content. They are key parts of marketing, helping messages reach and resonate with wider audiences.

What Do Explainer Videos Look Like?

Explainer videos vary in style, aiming to match their goal, crowd, and budget. You might see them in different forms like live-action, animation, mixed, or screen captures. The style chosen often reflects what the business wants to achieve.

Live-Action Explainer Videos

Live-action explainer videos show real people or demos. They offer a genuine feel. Perfect for showing off products or giving a glimpse into real-life stories, they help build trust with the audience.

Animated Explainer Videos

Animated videos make ideas pop using fun animation. They’re colorful, full of unique characters, and keep viewers glued. They make complex stuff simple, offer memorable brand stories, and are just a treat to watch.

Mixed Explainer Videos

Mixed explainer videos mix real footage with animations. This combo shows real scenarios and spices them up with cartoons to highlight important points. They’re creative and offer viewers both worlds.

Screen Capture Explainer Videos

Screen capture explainer videos demonstrate digital tools or apps. They record screen activities, guiding viewers step by step. These videos excel in explaining techy stuff or how-tos.

Explainer videos can be live-action, animated, mixed, or screen captures. Their style hinges on the video’s aim, audience, and budget. What matters is they must weave story, design, music, and editing into an engaging content piece.

explainer videos

Execution Style Description
Live-Action Uses real people or demonstrations to provide an authentic experience.
Animated Brings ideas to life through vibrant colors, imaginative characters, and engaging visual storytelling.
Mixed Combines live-action footage with animation elements for a dynamic and engaging viewing experience.
Screen Capture Focuses on recording digital or tech demonstrations, guiding viewers through processes or providing tutorials.

How to Create a Great Explainer Video

Creating a top-notch explainer video means making all parts work together. This includes story, design, music, and editing. Each piece is key to grab and keep the audience’s attention. And to share your message in an exciting way.

The story is what makes your video special. It must be clear, fun, and fit what your audience likes. A good story will connect on an emotional level, keeping viewers interested from beginning to end.

Your video’s design should look great and feel like your brand. It must be consistent in graphics, colors, and animations. Paying attention to these details makes your video memorable to your audience.

Choosing the right music sets the video’s mood. A lively song or calm tune should go well with your story. It makes the video experience better for everyone watching.

Editing is like putting on the final touches. It makes sure the video flows well, is free from extras, and keeps a good pace. Smooth transitions and sharp cuts make your video look professional.

Think about who’s watching and why you’re making the video. Keep your viewers in mind to make sure the story, design, music, and editing speak to them. This way, your video will really hit the mark with your audience.

Creating an awesome explainer video means paying close attention, telling a creative story, and putting in effort. When everything comes together just right, your video can get more people involved, increase sales, and make a strong impression on viewers.

How Animation Videos Position Your Product

Animation videos are a key way to market your product. They use cool visuals to show what your product does and why it’s great. This makes complex ideas easier to grasp and more interesting.

Creating these videos lets you show off what makes your product special. You can use the right keywords to help people find your video online. This way, it reaches more viewers.

These videos are great for the U.S. market. They can show how your product solves common problems or saves money. This makes your product stand out in America.

Watching an animation video, people can see themselves using your product. They get a clearer idea of its benefits. This helps build a stronger connection with potential customers.

With these videos, you can be very creative in how you tell your product’s story. You can draw viewers in with fun characters and exciting stories. This not only shows off your product but also builds your brand.

In summary, animation videos are vital for showcasing your product. They explain what your product does in a simple way, are good for SEO, and show how it’s useful in the U.S. By using animation videos well, you can attract more customers, set your product apart, and boost your sales in the U.S. market.

Animation videos positioning your product

How to Sell Better with Animation

Animation is a strong tool that boosts your sales. It turns complex ideas into simple steps that are easy to follow. This helps your audience grasp and connect with your offering.

Animation can be tailored for different groups in the U.S. This customization makes your content hit home with specific audiences, making your sales message more powerful.

Animation shines when showing hard-to-explain ideas or small details. It helps show how your product works and why it’s special.

Animation grabs people’s attention and makes learning enjoyable. With engaging visuals and stories, you can keep your audience’s interest. This not only raises brand awareness but also helps them remember your message.

Another plus of animation is focusing on important points. You can highlight special features or benefits of your product. This ensures your audience gets the full value your product offers.

Social media is a great place to share your animated videos. Promoting on social media lets you reach more people, create excitement around your brand, and bring more visitors to your website. This boost can greatly help your sales and business goals.

Benefits of Using Animation to Sell:

  • Break down complex processes into step-by-step sequences
  • Create localized content for different regions or demographics
  • Visually visualize abstract ideas or microscopic interactions
  • Engage viewers and make learning fun
  • Highlight key details to accentuate the value of your product
  • Promote videos through social media for increased visibility

Using animation can take your sales to the next level. It clearly shows what makes your product or service special. Add animation to your sales tools to stand out and succeed in today’s competitive market.


Animation videos are key for businesses in the United States to promote their products or services. They make tough ideas simple, appeal to different audiences, enhance a brand’s personality, boost engagement, and are cost-effective to produce. Using animation in your marketing can make your brand stand out in the U.S. market.

Animation shows how a product works, is good for search engines, and points out benefits specific to the U.S. It breaks down complex explanations, offers localized content, brings abstract ideas to life, and connects with the audience. Animation videos shared on social media boost visibility and can drive sales in the fast-paced U.S. market.

Animation videos are great at boosting sales and marketing success for U.S. businesses. They simplify hard concepts, keep viewers interested, and highlight what’s special about a product or service. This makes them a crucial part of digital marketing today.


Animated explainer videos are vital for businesses in the U.S. to boost their marketing. These videos grab attention, make complex ideas simple, and reach different people. Adding them to a marketing plan can help businesses grow and sell more in the competitive U.S. market.

These videos do a lot, like highlight products and services, increase website visits and sales. They can make people remember a brand, attract those who use mobiles, and create strong customer connections. Also, these videos might go viral, spreading the brand even wider.

Animated explainer videos are useful in many ways for marketing. They can share a business’s message, show what’s good about their offerings, and leave a lasting impression. Using these videos is a smart move for any company looking to get noticed and succeed in marketing.


Why should businesses include animated explainer videos in their marketing arsenal?

Animated explainer videos grab attention and make complex ideas simple. They keep your product in the customer’s mind. These videos are great for all types of viewers.They bring more people to your website and boost sales. They’re perfect for people on the go. Explainer videos can also make your content spread like wildfire.

What is an explainer video?

An explainer video is short and fun, lasting from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. It’s all about making things easy to get.This video introduces topics or breaks down ideas. It’s great for tutorials, boosting sales, or showing off your company’s vibe.

Why do explainer videos work?

Explainer videos are easy to watch and get. They help us understand better by sparking our brains. Say goodbye to showing the same thing over and over.They move our feelings with voice-overs and music. You’ll get more visitors and keep them around longer, which means more sales for you.

What do explainer videos look like?

Explainer videos can be many things: real scenes, animations, a mix of both, or screen recordings. They should match your story and vibe well.The key is to make them engaging and top-quality. This means getting the story, visuals, music, and editing just right.

How can businesses create a great explainer video?

To make a standout explainer video, everything must click. The story should grab viewers, and the visuals need to pop.Your music should match the mood, and cuts should be smooth. Think about who’s watching and what you want to say. Aim for top quality.

How do animation videos help position products?

Animation shows how products work in a clear way. It turns complex ideas into simple visuals. Viewers can see the product in action.These videos are also good for SEO. They can point out perks that matter in the U.S., like saving money or solving common problems.

How can animation help businesses sell better?

Animation makes tough ideas easy by showing things step by step. It’s great for reaching specific groups or areas in the U.S.Animations can bring abstract concepts to life. They’re engaging and make learning fun. Relatable stories improve how well viewers remember your message.

How can businesses use animation videos to drive sales in the United States?

Animation is key for U.S. businesses to showcase products. It clarifies, charms a wide audience, and spices up your brand.Using animation sets you apart in the U.S. market. It explains how things work, boosts SEO, and pinpoints benefits for Americans. Localizing content and using engaging visuals are also smart moves.Sharing these videos on social media gets you seen more. This approach helps you thrive in the competitive U.S. market.

What are the benefits of including animated explainer videos in your marketing strategy?

Including animated explainer videos has many upsides. They draw eye, simplify, and draw in different viewers. They’re a hit on mobile and can take your conversions sky-high.They make your brand stick in people’s minds and foster connections. Plus, they have a good shot at going viral. All this makes them an all-star in any marketing playbook.

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