Animated Explainer Videos

Animated Explainer Videos: Planning for Voice and Tone

Animated explainer videos can really help businesses share big ideas. It’s key to pick the right voice and tone to grab your audience. This means thinking hard about each part of the video. Doing so makes sure your video gets its message across and meets your marketing needs.

When you plan your video’s voice and tone, there are steps to follow. First, what’s your goal for the video? Next, how will you use it? You also need to know who you’re talking to and how long the video should be. Plus, you’ll talk about the problem the video solves. You’ll also answer likely questions, show off your brand’s personality, and create an awesome call-to-action.

Key Takeaways:

  • Planning is key for a top-notch animated explainer video.
  • Figure out the video’s goals, audience, and length.
  • Talk about the issue your video addresses and answer typical questions.
  • Show what your brand is all about and make a great call-to-action.
  • Make sure your video’s voice and tone fit your marketing aims.

Determining Your Video Objective

Planning your animated explainer video starts with knowing what you want to achieve. First, figure out the aim of your video. This will help tailor a video that sends your message clearly and meets your marketing needs. Think about these key objectives:

  • Educating customers: Use the video to explain your product or service. This helps customers grasp what it does, its perks, and how to use it.
  • Improving SEO: Make your video easier to find by using the right keywords and tags. Better visibility and rankings can boost your site’s traffic and make more people aware of your brand.
  • Increasing conversions: Aim for a video that moves viewers to act. This could mean buying something, trying a service, or joining a newsletter. Include strong calls-to-action to get these results.
  • Getting email signups: Your video can be a way to gather emails by asking viewers to sign up. Having more emails can power up your marketing efforts down the line.
  • Increasing awareness: Make a video to get your brand out there. Sharing it on social media and ads can make more people notice your brand.
  • Boosting engagement: Create a video that grabs attention and makes people want to interact with your brand. Adding fun quizzes or polls can make your video unforgettable.

Knowing your video’s goal lets you shape its message, look, and feel to match what you’re trying to do. This way, your animated explainer video will hit home with your audience and bring the results you aim for.

“A well-defined video objective is the cornerstone of a successful animated explainer video,” says a video marketing guru.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Video

When you make an animated explainer video, picking the right platform is key. You want your video to be seen and have an impact. You can put your video many places: social media, your website, emails, trade show booths, presentations, in-store displays, TV ads, and more.

Every platform is different, with its own audience. It’s important to design your video for where it will be shown. For social media, make a short, catchy video. For trade shows or presentations, your video should grab attention with great audio and visuals.

Here’s what to think about when choosing a platform for your video:

  • Social Media: Post your video on sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Make it start playing automatically without sound. Write a great caption and use hashtags to get seen.
  • Websites: Put your video on your website to draw people in and boost conversions. It should be easy to find, like on your homepage or a key landing page.
  • Email Marketing: Add your video to emails to get more clicks. Use a catchy subject line and a good image to get people to watch. Make sure they can watch it on any device or email service.

Remember, picking the right spot for your video means knowing your audience. Understand where and how they like to watch videos. This helps you make the most impact and reach your marketing goals.

Platform Key Features
Social Media Wide audience reach, visual content focus, short-form and shareable
Websites Enhanced user engagement, clear product or service messaging, optimized for conversion
Email Marketing Increased click-through rates, improved email engagement, accessible across devices

Deciding on the Video Length

Choosing the right length for an animated explainer video is key. It’s important to keep your audience hooked. Most videos should be 15-120 seconds long because people lose interest after 60 seconds.

To grab attention, focus on your main selling points. Make them fun and engaging. Avoid cramming too much information into one video.

Short videos work better at keeping viewers interested. This lets you share your message clearly. Use short, powerful content to keep your audience watching.

If you have many points to make, think about making more videos. Each one can cover a different feature or benefit of what you’re offering.

Think about who will watch your video and their attention span. A well-made video can really impact your viewers. It can make your marketing more effective.

video length

Addressing the Problem Your Video Solves

An animated explainer video is a great way to tackle the issue your product or service fixes for customers. It shows a fix to a real problem they’re dealing with. This sets you apart from the competition.

It lets you show how your product or service makes life simpler. By focusing on the customers’ issues, you can showcase your solution’s value. You show how it fits their unique needs. A good animated explainer video draws your audience in, sparks interest, and offers a clear fix to their problems.

Think about these points when tackling the problem:

  • Identify customer needs: Get to know the struggles and challenges your target audience faces.
  • Showcase the solution: Clearly show how your offering solves their problem.
  • Highlight benefits: Detail the benefits your customers get by using your product or service.
  • Differentiate from competitors: Focus on what makes your solution unique in the marketplace.

An effective animated explainer video builds trust. It sets your brand as the go-to for solving customer problems. It also boosts your credibility.

Customer Testimonial:

“I was struggling to find a reliable fix for XYZ problem. Then I saw the animated explainer video from Brand ABC. It perfectly showed the solution I needed. Their product really changed things for me!”

– Jane Smith, Satisfied Customer

Video Benefits and Solutions:

Solution Benefits
Efficient project management software
  • Saves time and reduces stress
  • Increase productivity and workflow
  • Streamline communication and collaboration
Health and wellness app
  • Improve physical and mental well-being
  • Set and track fitness goals
  • Access personalized health recommendations
Digital marketing services
  • Increase online visibility and website traffic
  • Generate leads and conversions
  • Build a strong brand presence

Answering Common Objections

Your animated explainer video should tackle common objections or questions from customers. This can make your product or service better. FAQs and feedback forms are great sources for making your video more impactful.

It’s important to think ahead about your customers’ possible concerns. Answering their questions early can build trust. This approach increases confidence in what you offer.

Here are some key strategies to keep in mind when addressing common objections:

  1. Research and understand your customers: Look into customer feedback and FAQs. This lets you find and address their main concerns in your video.
  2. Take a proactive approach: Don’t wait for objections to come up. Show you understand potential concerns and respond to them early. This builds trust in your product or service.
  3. Use visual storytelling: Use visuals to address objections in an engaging way. Characters and scenarios that viewers can relate to make your message clearer and more enjoyable.
  4. Provide evidence and proof: Support your claims with data or testimonials. Seeing proof makes viewers more likely to believe in your product or service.
  5. Anticipate objections at each stage of the buyer’s journey: Address concerns relevant to each stage. This makes your message more persuasive and helps guide customers towards buying.

Addressing common objections shows you care about customer feedback. This approach can help ease doubts, build trust, and motivate viewers to act.

Consider this example to see the impact of addressing objections:

“Our advanced cybersecurity software might seem hard to understand at first. But, it’s made to be user-friendly. Our video makes it easy to see how your data stays safe. And our support team is always here to help.”

Techniques like the one above help your animated explainer video tackle customer concerns. They boost confidence in your solution.

Example Table: Common Objections and Effective Responses

Common Objections Effective Responses
Objection 1: “It’s too expensive.” Response 1: “Our product may seem pricey up front, but it saves money over time. Many customers report seeing a profit within six months.”
Objection 2: “I’m not sure if it will work for my specific industry.” Response 2: “Our solution works across many fields, like manufacturing and healthcare. We customize it to fit your industry’s needs perfectly.”
Objection 3: “I’ve had bad experiences before.” Response 3: “We get why you’re cautious. Our product is designed with users in mind and tested thoroughly to avoid past issues. Our happy customers can vouch for us.”

By directly addressing objections in your animated video and providing strong responses, you can ease customer doubts and boost sales.

Defining Your Brand Personality

Your brand’s personality is vital in making an animated explainer video. It shapes the tone and creates a lasting impression on viewers. To create a cohesive and memorable video, match its visual style with your brand’s personality. This way, your video will not just highlight your product or service. It will also reflect your brand’s values and identity.

If your brand already has a unique identity, adding it to your video is crucial. Using the same colors, fonts, and design helps people recognize your brand. This makes your animated video stronger and increases the chance people will remember your brand.

Think about the feelings and ideas you want your brand to bring up. Is it fun and easygoing? Professional and trustworthy? New and innovative? Your animated explainer video’s look should mirror these characteristics. This supports your brand’s personality and creates a visual that speaks to your audience.

brand personality

Including your brand personality in your video makes a strong bond with viewers. It sets you apart from others and shows what makes your brand special. When people watch your video, they should quickly link it to your brand. This leads to a positive view of what you offer.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Creating an animated explainer video starts with knowing your audience. It’s key to figure out who will watch your video. This knowledge helps shape the video’s characters, stories, and messages. Think about if your viewers are B2B or B2C customers. Their needs and likes can be very different.

Begin by researching who your audience is. Look into their age, gender, where they live, and how much they earn. This step helps you make your video appeal to specific groups. You’ll create content that really speaks to them, based on what’s important to them.

Also, see how your audience interacts with other brands. Do they hang out on social media, like emails, or visit certain websites or forums? Figuring out how they use the internet helps you pick the best ways to share your video.

Having a clear idea of who your audience is lets you make videos they’ll enjoy. You can build engaging characters and stories they’ll care about. The better you connect with your audience, the more they’ll want to watch your video and act on it.

Key Points:

  • Identify your target audience based on demographics and preferences.
  • Understand the online behavior of your target audience.
  • Create characters, stories, and messaging that resonate with your audience.
  • Speak directly to your target audience’s interests and values.
  • Choose the most effective channels for distributing your video based on your audience’s preferences.

Designing a Compelling Call-to-Action

Creating an animated explainer video? Remember to add a clear call-to-action (CTA). This guides viewers to take a specific step. A good CTA can boost your video’s conversion rates, raising your ROI. Here are some tips for an effective CTA:

  1. Keep it simple: Your CTA should prompt a single, immediate action. This could be signing up, downloading something, or buying. Ensure the action is straightforward.
  2. Create a sense of urgency: Use phrases like “limited time offer” to drive immediate action. This makes viewers act fast, so they don’t miss out.
  3. Make it visually prominent: Contrasting colors or bold fonts help your CTA stand out. This draws attention, encouraging clicks and engagement.
  4. Provide an incentive: Motivate action by offering an incentive. This could be a discount, free trial, or bonus, adding value to the action.

The goal of a CTA is to move viewers along their customer journey. With a compelling CTA that matches your video’s aim, you can up your conversions and hit those marketing targets.

“A well-designed call-to-action can significantly improve your video’s conversion rates and ultimately increase your ROI.”

Example Call-to-Action Designs:

Design Description
This design has a bold, colorful button that pops. The text is clear and tells viewers what to do next.
Here, the CTA blends with the video’s visuals. It nudges viewers to click a particular icon to act.


Planning voice and tone is key for a successful animated video. Think about what you want to achieve, where it will be shown, and how long it should be. Also, focus on solving a problem and dealing with any doubts your customers might have. This way, your video will really speak to the viewers and meet your business goals. Make sure the content keeps people interested and learning. Your video’s look should match your brand, and you need a strong call-to-action.

First, be clear about your video’s goals. This could be teaching your customers, getting more sales, or helping your SEO. Knowing your aim guides you in making the video. Pick the right platform and design your video for that space. The video should be just long enough to address a problem that your product or service can fix. This approach helps handle common concerns and shows what makes your brand unique. That way, your video connects better with your target group.

Last but not least, include a clear call-to-action. This invites viewers to do something specific after watching your video. By using these planning tips, you can make an animated explainer video that catches eyes, keeps viewers interested, and boosts your business results.


What is an animated explainer video?

An animated explainer video is a short, powerful tool. It helps promote businesses and explain complicated ideas. It uses animation to clearly explain a product, service, or concept in a fun and informative way.

Why is it important to plan for voice and tone in an animated explainer video?

It’s key to plan for voice and tone because they shape the video. This planning decides the video’s goals, its use, length, and what problem it solves. It also looks at customer objections, brand personality, the target audience, the call-to-action, and budget. Planning makes sure the video connects with viewers and meets marketing targets.

How long should an animated explainer video be?

Animated explainer videos are best between 15-120 seconds long. People pay less attention after 60 seconds. It’s better to focus on main points and keep them engaging.

What should an animated explainer video address?

It should tackle a problem that your service or product solves. The video must offer a solution to a genuine issue and show how you’re different from others.

How can an animated explainer video address common objections from customers?

To tackle common objections, use the video to enhance your service or product. Draw on FAQs and customer feedback to make your video more effective.

How does brand personality impact an animated explainer video?

Brand personality plays a big role. The video’s visual style should match your brand’s personality. If your brand already has a unique identity, incorporate it into the video to effectively represent your brand.

How do you identify the target audience for an animated explainer video?

Identifying the target audience involves knowing if you’re focusing on B2B or B2C, their demographics, and their interactions with brands. Knowing your audience helps in creating relatable characters and stories.

What is a call-to-action (CTA) in an animated explainer video?

A call-to-action tells viewers exactly what to do after watching the video. It suggests a single, immediate action. A good CTA boosts the video’s impact and its return on investment.

How can you design a compelling call-to-action in an animated explainer video?

Design a compelling CTA by ensuring it matches your video’s goal and appeals to your audience. Use straightforward language and include a clear visual cue or button. The CTA should be easy to follow, visually distinct, and well-timed in the video.

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