Animated Explainer Videos

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Animated Explainer Video Production

Animated explainer videos are key in many brands’ marketing plans. They make complex info easy and fun to watch. But, some mistakes can make them less effective. Knowing these errors and how to dodge them lets you make videos that grab and teach your audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lengthy videos can result in viewer disengagement, so keep your animated explainer videos concise and focused.
  • Ensure that your script is well-structured and easy to follow, avoiding unnecessary complexities.
  • Invest in high-quality visuals and professional audio to enhance the overall impact of your video.
  • Shift the focus from features to benefits, highlighting how your product or service can solve the viewer’s problems.
  • Always include a clear call-to-action at the end of your video to prompt viewers to take the next step.

Making Your Videos Too Long

When making animated explainer videos, think about how long they are. Viewers want quick summaries, not long details. Keeping your videos short is key to keeping their attention.

The average online video viewer’s attention span is about 8 seconds. With so much competing content, you must be brief but effective. Aim to keep your animated explainer videos under 2 minutes when you can.

Sometimes, you might need a longer video to fully explain your product or service. The perfect length depends on what you’re trying to achieve and the complexity of your topic.

It’s vital to balance informative content with simplicity to avoid overwhelming your audience. Making sure your video is to the point and engaging will help you meet your marketing objectives.

Choosing the right length for your explainer videos helps keep your audience engaged. This increases the chances they’ll watch the whole thing and improves your marketing success.

Recommended Video Length Guidelines

Video Type Optimal Length
Brand Introduction 30-60 seconds
Product Overviews 60-90 seconds
Tutorials and How-To 90-120 seconds
Industry Insights 2-3 minutes

Remember, these lengths are just starting points. Adjust them based on what you’re showing and who you’re talking to. Always think about your viewers’ attention spans and your marketing plan.

Using a Jumbled Script

A jumbled script can affect how good animated explainer videos are. It can make the videos longer and harder to understand, which might make viewers stop watching. To keep viewers interested and make sure they understand, it’s important to make the script simple and only include what’s necessary.

A good script is easy to follow. It takes viewers through the main points without too much extra stuff. By focusing on what’s really needed, you can teach and interest your audience more.

Script Complexity: Keep it Simple, Yet Informative

Avoid making the script too complex. Aim for simplicity but still share important information. This way, viewers can get the main ideas without getting lost.

Think about who will watch your video. Make sure the script is easy for people with different knowledge levels to understand. This helps you reach more viewers and makes your message clearer.

The Power of Essential Information

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

It’s key to only include important information. Decide what points are most important and focus on those. Talk about what your product or service does best.

Viewers want useful information and solutions. Give them what they need, and you’ll grab their attention better.

Engaging the Viewer with a Seamless Flow

The way the script flows is very important for keeping viewers interested. A confusing script can ruin the viewing experience. Make sure your script goes smoothly from start to finish to keep viewers with you.

Set up the script so each part connects to the next. Use transitions to move smoothly between sections. This keeps viewers interested and following along.

The image above shows why script complexity matters in making good animated explainer videos. It has to be easy on the eyes and match the topic.

Common Script Mistakes Impact on Viewer Engagement
Including unnecessary details Can overwhelm and confuse viewers
Lack of clear structure May lead to disorganized information delivery
Overcomplicating concepts Can alienate viewers with varying levels of knowledge
Disjointed flow Can result in viewer disconnect and disengagement

The table above shows the mistakes in scripts and how they affect how much viewers like the video. By avoiding these problems and keeping the script simple, clear, and flowing well, you can make animated explainer videos that both attract and teach your audience.

Using Low-Quality Visuals or Audio

When making animated explainer videos, high-quality visuals and top-notch audio are key. They help grab your viewers and get your message across.

Bad animation can make people lose interest fast. This might lead them to stop watching. Good visuals keep your audience watching from start to finish.

On the other hand, poor audio can harm your brand’s image. The sound should be clear and without any annoying noises. Bad audio makes for a bad viewing experience, hurting your video’s impact.

Pick visuals that fit your brand and catch the eye. They should support your message, making it stick in people’s minds. Also, choose styles and animations that uplift your content’s look.

visual and audio quality

Focus on the quality of both visuals and audio in your animated videos. Doing this keeps viewers interested and focused on what you’re saying. Remember, great visuals and sound show your brand’s professionalism. This makes your video more powerful to the audience.

Focusing on Features Instead of Benefits

Talking about your product’s features is good, but pointing out the benefits is even better. In animated explainer videos, it’s crucial to show how your product or service solves problems and makes life easier. Focusing on benefits draws in viewers and prompts them to act.

Why Focus on Benefits?

People watch animated explainer videos to find solutions. Highlighting your product’s benefits shows why your brand is the right choice. Instead of just listing features, show how your product improves their lives.

Engaging Your Viewers

Benefit-focused animated videos grab and keep attention better. They show viewers how your service meets their needs and solves issues. This builds an emotional connection, boosting engagement, loyalty, and conversions.

“By highlighting the benefits, animated explainer videos can better engage viewers and encourage them to take action.”

Driving Conversions and Sales

Understanding the benefits makes customers more likely to act. Showing how your product improves their lives prompts purchases or further engagement. Focusing on benefits is key to driving sales and conversions.

Example: Candle Company

Consider a candle company as an example. Rather than just saying your candles have high-quality wax and long burn times, talk about the calming ambiance they create. Highlighting the soft glow and relaxation helps connect with customer emotions, making your brand more attractive.

Benefit-focused animated videos effectively reach your audience. They demonstrate your product’s value and encourage customer action. Make sure your videos show how your offering solves problems and improves lives, giving a strong reason to choose your brand.

Forgetting a Call-to-action (CTA)

Every animated explainer video needs to wrap up with a clear call-to-action (CTA). This crucial part tells viewers what step to take next. It could be signing up for a demo, contacting your business, or downloading resources. A CTA guides viewers on what to do after the video ends.

Including a strong CTA at your video’s end can really pull viewers in. It encourages them to take the next step. This clear direction makes sure viewers know their next action.

A well-placed CTA can make viewers want to act right away. It can push them to buy, sign up for newsletters, or check out more of what you offer. Without it, viewers might just stop watching without doing anything else. This means you might miss big opportunities.

“Including a call-to-action at the end of your animated explainer video is like providing your viewers with a roadmap. It shows them the way forward and encourages them to take the desired action.” – James Johnson, Marketing Expert

Make sure your CTA stands out and is simple to grasp. It needs to match your video’s goal and give viewers a strong reason to act. This can mean asking for a free trial, signing up for newsletters, or visiting your site. A clear CTA boosts engagement and ups the chance of getting conversions.

Key Tips for Crafting an Effective Call-to-action

  • Be clear and concise: Use simple language and clearly state what you want the viewer to do.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Encourage immediate action by emphasizing limited-time offers or exclusive deals.
  • Make it visually prominent: Use design elements like bold colors or animations to draw attention to the call-to-action.
  • Offer value: Highlight the benefits the viewer will receive by taking the desired action.

By adding a clear CTA at the end of your videos, you guide viewers towards action, boost engagement, and increase conversions. Never overlook the importance of a powerful CTA to enhance your video’s effectiveness.

Getting Started with Creating Explainer Videos

Making animated explainer videos is now easier with third-party help. Companies like FATJOE offer expertise to streamline script development. This ensures your final video is high-quality. FATJOE specializes in either starting from scratch or using existing blogs to make engaging videos.

To begin, craft a compelling script that clearly delivers your message. A great script highlights your product’s key benefits. It should be short, clear, and fun to keep viewers interested.

Next, team up with a company like FATJOE to make your script visual. They have the skills to create attractive and engaging animated videos. This third-party collaboration boosts your video’s professionalism and impact.

animated explainer video creation

Working with a company like FATJOE helps you tackle the hurdles of video creation. They support you from planning to production. This leads to effective videos that tell your brand’s story and connect with people.

Now, let’s dive deeper into animated explainer videos, their creation, and benefits. We’ve covered their significance, script importance, and working with experts.

What is an Animated Explainer Video?

An animated explainer video is a key marketing tool. It uses animations to tell a brand’s story and show its unique features. This type of video is a lively version of the classic “About Us” story. It catches the audience’s eye in a fun and informative way. These videos make complex ideas simple, especially in fields like software and gaming.

These videos connect brands with their audience. They grow brand awareness, loyalty, and trust. By sharing the brand’s story interestingly, they keep the viewer’s focus. They also make the main points memorable.

Animated explainer videos work well because they mix cool visuals with stories and clear messages. They show what makes the brand special. They also show how products or services help solve problems. These videos make viewers feel a connection, which boosts engagement and encourages them to act.

Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos as a Marketing Tool

Animated explainer videos offer big perks as a marketing tool:

  • Engagement: The mix of cool animations, great stories, and clear messages grabs and keeps the viewer’s focus.
  • Brand Awareness: They share the brand’s story and highlight what’s special, helping to make the brand known.
  • Effective Communication: They make complex ideas simple and easy to get, making sure the audience understands and remembers.
  • Increased Conversions: These videos have shown to boost conversion rates by clearly showing the value and prompting viewers to act.
  • Shareability: They’re easy to share on social media, growing their reach and impact.

Animated explainer videos help brands tell their story in a visually engaging and compelling way, capturing the audience’s attention and delivering key messages effectively.”

Five Common Mistakes in Animated Explainer Video Creation

When making animated explainer videos, it’s key to dodge common errors that lessen their impact. Avoiding these mistakes lets you craft videos that grab and keep your audience’s interest, clearly getting your message across.

Mistake 1: Making the video too long

A big mistake is making videos too long. People’s attention spans are short, and long videos can bore them. Aim to keep your videos short and to the point, packing in all necessary information without dragging on.

Mistake 2: Using a poor or jumbled script

The script is crucial in animated videos. A messy or weak script muddles your video and confuses watchers. It’s important to simplify your script, making sure it’s straightforward and effectively shares your message.

Mistake 3: Creating visuals that are too complex

Good animation grabs attention. But, overly complex or busy visuals can overwhelm and confuse your audience. Aim for clean, simple designs that are attractive and make your main points stand out.

Mistake 4: Failing to make the video engaging and fun

Remember, explainer videos should entertain as well as inform. A boring video turns people off. Use stories, humor, and engaging plots to catch and maintain the viewers’ focus.

Mistake 5: Forgetting to include a call-to-action

Every explainer video should end with a clear call-to-action (CTA). Missing a CTA might leave viewers uncertain about what to do next, like visiting your site or buying something. Make sure your CTA is direct, compelling, and encourages quick action.

Avoiding these video creation mistakes is crucial for success. By ensuring your videos are brief, with a clear script, visually appealing animations, engaging content, and a strong CTA, you can effectively engage your viewers and meet your marketing objectives.

Mistake Description
1. Making the video too long Videos should be concise to maintain viewer interest.
2. Using a poor or jumbled script A clear and concise script is essential for effective communication.
3. Creating visuals that are too complex Simple and visually appealing animations are more effective.
4. Failing to make the video engaging and fun Entertaining videos capture and hold viewer attention.
5. Forgetting to include a call-to-action A clear call-to-action prompts viewers to take the desired next step.


Creating effective animated explainer videos is key to sharing your brand’s message. Avoid common mistakes and follow best practices to make your videos engaging and impactful.

Videos should be short. People have limited attention spans, making it important to be brief yet informative. Keep it focused on what matters to your audience.

Your script should be simple and clear. Aim to highlight your product’s or service’s benefits to grab attention.

Don’t use low-quality visuals or sound. High-quality animation and professional audio make your videos more credible and enjoyable.

Focus on how your product or service can change lives. By emphasizing benefits, not features, you connect more deeply with your audience.

A clear call-to-action at your video’s end is essential. It tells viewers what to do next, whether signing up or visiting your site.

Using these tips can improve your explainer videos. Well-made videos will capture your audience’s attention and help achieve your brand’s goals.


What are some common mistakes to avoid when producing animated explainer videos?

Common mistakes include making the video too long and a messy script. Using low-quality visuals or audio is also bad. It’s crucial not to focus only on features rather than benefits. And don’t forget to add a call-to-action.

What is the ideal length for an animated explainer video?

Keep animated explainer videos short and sweet. This makes sure they cover key points but keep viewers interested.

How can I ensure that my script for an animated explainer video is clear and concise?

Make sure every detail in your script is necessary. Your script should flow well. Include only essential info to effectively reach and teach your audience.

Why is the quality of visuals and audio important in animated explainer videos?

Good visuals and audio keep people interested in animated videos. Bad animation or poor audio can hurt your brand. Choose sharp, brand-aligned visuals and clear audio.

Should I focus on showcasing my product’s features or benefits in an animated explainer video?

Mentioning product features is good, but highlighting benefits is better. Your video should show how it solves problems. By focusing on benefits, you draw viewers in and prompt action.

Why is including a call-to-action important in an animated explainer video?

End your video with a clear call-to-action. It guides viewers on what to do next. Without it, they might just stop watching and do nothing more.

How can I get started with creating animated explainer videos?

Start by writing a script. Then, work with a company that specializes in animated videos. A good choice is FATJOE. They can turn your video or blog idea into an engaging product.

What is an animated explainer video?

An animated explainer video tells your brand’s story in a special way. It’s great for marketing because it grabs attention. These videos are perfect for explaining complex ideas simply.

What are five common mistakes in creating animated explainer videos?

Big mistakes include overly lengthy videos and confusing scripts. Also, overly complex visuals, boring content, and no call-to-action are pitfalls. Avoiding these helps make your video effective.

How can I create effective animated explainer videos and avoid common mistakes?

Keep your videos short, scripts clear, and visuals appealing. Focus on how your product benefits the customer. Always end with a clear call-to-action. This way, your explainer videos will hit the mark.

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