Animated Explainer Videos

How Animated Explainer Videos Streamline User Onboarding

Virtual onboarding is now crucial in businesses worldwide. With remote work growing, companies must integrate new employees smoothly into their culture and roles. Animated explainer videos have emerged as a key tool in this process.

These videos are engaging and help convey important info quickly. They simplify complex ideas, like company values or product details, making it easy for newcomers to learn. This helps employees understand their roles faster.

Animated explainer videos are not just effective; they’re also customizable. This means companies can make them fit their brand and onboarding needs. It results in a more personalized and impactful start for new hires.

Moreover, these videos are a cost-saving strategy. Traditional training can be expensive, requiring trainers or lots of printed materials. Animated videos cut down on both time and costs by delivering engaging visuals instead.

By using animated videos, companies make training more efficient and engaging. This ensures newcomers start on the right foot, ready to excel in their new roles.

Key Takeaways:

  • Animated explainer videos are an effective tool for onboarding new employees.
  • They provide a memorable and engaging way to communicate company values and introduce employees to their roles.
  • Animated explainer videos are customizable and cost-effective.
  • They increase engagement and make complex concepts easier to understand.
  • By using animated explainer videos, companies can optimize the onboarding process and set their employees up for success.

The Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos for Onboarding

Animated explainer videos bring many advantages to employee onboarding. They make the process more interesting for new hires. By using these videos, businesses can help employees understand complex ideas better. They also boost engagement with the company’s culture and increase brand knowledge among the workforce.

Increased Engagement

Animated videos catch employees’ attention right from the start. They make learning fun and engaging. Using visuals and stories, these videos motivate employees to learn more eagerly.

Easier Learning with Visuals

People remember visual content better than text. Animated videos make hard topics simple and eye-catching. This helps new employees understand and remember important information more effectively.

Clarity for Complex Concepts

Explainer videos are great at making tough ideas easy to get. They use pictures and animation to explain things clearly. This helps newcomers understand crucial details faster, making onboarding smoother.

Contribution to Company Culture Engagement

These videos can show what a company stands for. They help new hires feel connected and part of the team from the start. This way, employees are more likely to act in ways that match the company’s goals.

Increased Brand Awareness

Explainer videos are a chance for companies to share their values with new staff. Understanding the company’s brand makes employees better promoters of it. This builds a stronger sense of teamwork and satisfaction at work.

By using animated videos for onboarding, companies make training smoother. They ensure everyone gets the same information and feels ready to do their best in their new roles.

Types of Animated Explainer Videos for Onboarding

Animated explainer videos are great for helping new employees learn. They make the onboarding process engaging and simpler. There are many types of explainer videos each with its own benefits. You can pick the best type based on your onboarding needs.

Here are some of the types of animated explainer videos commonly used for onboarding:

  1. Whiteboard Animation Videos: These use a hand-drawn style, making complex ideas easy to understand. They’re great for simplifying tough concepts.
  2. 2D Animation Videos: Featuring colorful illustrations, these videos are adaptable for various topics. They make learning fun and engaging.
  3. 3D Animation Videos: They add depth to visuals, perfect for product showcases or office tours. It’s a more immersive experience.
  4. Motion Animation Videos: With dynamic graphics, these videos are perfect for showing timelines or statistics. They turn information into engaging content.
  5. Live-Action Videos: Real people and scenarios help forge personal connections. Ideal for team introductions or sharing success stories.
  6. Kinetic Typography Videos: These use animated text to engage and highlight key messages. It’s a visually interesting way to communicate.
  7. Screencast Videos: Show how software or apps work. Great for teaching tool usage or navigating software.

Understanding the different types of animated explainer videos helps choose the best for engaging onboarding. Companies can then create effective experiences for new hires.

Choosing the Right Type of Video for Onboarding

Picking the right explainer video type requires thought. Consider the audience, complexity, and what impact you desire. For example, screencast videos are perfect for complex software. On the other hand, whiteboard or live-action videos are better for showing company culture.

By selecting the right type of video, companies can create a memorable and engaging onboarding experience that effectively communicates important information to new employees.

Different types of explainer videos can be mixed to cover all onboarding aspects. This creates a comprehensive learning experience, catering to various preferences.

Type of Animated Explainer Video Benefits
Whiteboard Animation Videos Clear and easy-to-follow explanations
Engaging visuals that enhance understanding
2D Animation Videos Versatile and adaptable for different topics
Colorful and visually appealing illustrations
3D Animation Videos Adds depth and realism to visuals
Ideal for showcasing products or virtual tours
Motion Animation Videos Energetic and dynamic graphics
Excellent for presenting statistics or processes
Live-Action Videos Creates a personal connection
Perfect for introducing team members and stories
Kinetic Typography Videos Animated text for highlighting key points
Engaging and visually appealing messages
Screencast Videos Record software actions for demonstrations
Useful for explaining software usage

Using Personalized Welcome Videos in Onboarding

Welcome videos are great for saying hello to new employees. They make the first meeting with the company warm and welcoming. They show thanks and get things ready for a great work experience.

Personalized videos let companies introduce who they are and share their values. This helps new people feel part of the culture right away. They can be fun and interesting, whether they’re real or animated.

Personalized welcome videos help companies:

  1. Show they’re grateful the person joined the team
  2. Give a friendly introduction to what the company does
  3. Talk about the company’s culture and what’s important to it
  4. Point out the good things about working there, like chances to grow
  5. Give a peek at what the team is like and help the new person feel they belong

These videos can focus on specific jobs or areas, giving newbies info that’s right for them.

Here’s what a welcoming video might say:

-“Welcome to Acme Inc.! We’re excited you’re here. We aim to change the industry with cool, helpful stuff. This video will show you around, share our fun culture, and talk about how we support your career journey. Enjoy watching!”-

Personalized Welcome Video Structure

Here’s a good way to set up a welcome video:

Segment Description
Introduction Start with a happy hello and say you’re excited to have the new person.
Company Overview Talk briefly about what the company does, its goals, history, and big wins.
Culture and Values Show what the company believes in and how it influences the workplace and its people.
Benefits and Growth Opportunities Tell about the good stuff offered, like training and getting advice from mentors.
Team Dynamics Introduce the coworkers, showing how everyone works together nicely.
Next Steps Explain what happens next in starting the job, with details on resources and help available.

Using personalized welcome videos in onboarding makes new hires start off feeling good. It lays the groundwork for success and keeping employees happy.

Product Tour Videos for Onboarding

Product tour videos are key when introducing new employees to a company’s products. They act as a virtual guide, walking new hires through product features and uses. This helps them understand what they’ll be working with.

These videos focus on showing the unique benefits of each product. They highlight solutions for customer issues. Information is presented in short, easy-to-understand segments, making the onboarding smooth.

With these videos, new employees learn how the products work and their market value. They understand the customer benefits. Topics covered can include:

  1. Overview of the product
  2. Key features and functionalities
  3. Use cases and real-life examples
  4. Step-by-step guides
  5. Troubleshooting tips

Product tour videos speed up the learning process for new hires. They provide the knowledge needed to do well in their jobs. The videos are engaging and help with remembering important details.

“Product tour videos are like personal mentors for new employees, guiding them through the intricacies of our offerings and helping them understand how our products address customer needs. They have been instrumental in streamlining our onboarding process and ensuring that every new hire is well-prepared for success.”

These videos are also easy to update for any product changes. This keeps the information accurate and useful, reducing confusion.

To make product tour videos even better, companies can add interactive features. Quizzes or clickable parts make learning active and fun. This engaging approach helps new employees enjoy their training.

Example of a Product Tour Video

Imagine Jane, a new hire at a software firm. She watches a product tour video about project management tools. It explains assigning tasks, tracking progress, and improving teamwork. After seeing the video, Jane feels ready to manage her projects confidently.

Product Tour Video

Product tour videos are crucial for a great onboarding experience. They provide essential knowledge in an engaging way. This helps new employees start strong and contribute quickly to the company’s success.

Using Product Explainer Videos in Onboarding

Product explainer videos are key for improving the onboarding process. They offer a clear look at a product’s special features and benefits. These videos use examples and demos to show how each tool works. This helps employees understand the product’s value and how it stands out from the competition.

Product explainer videos make it easier to understand complex concepts. They use visual storytelling and simple explanations to break down difficult details. This ensures all employees, no matter their technical skills, can get the gist of what the product does.

It’s important for product explainer videos to be brief and to the point. This keeps new employees interested and makes onboarding smoother. The videos use easy language and clear visuals. This helps employees quickly understand what the product offers and how it fits with the company’s goals.

Benefits of Product Explainer Videos in Onboarding:

  • Enhanced understanding of product functionality
  • Increased engagement and retention of information
  • Streamlined onboarding process
  • Promotion of company culture and values
  • Effective differentiation from competitors

Adding product explainer videos to the onboarding process gives new employees the info they need to succeed. They offer a go-to resource for employees to learn more about the product over time. This supports continuous learning and skill growth.

Product explainer videos are a powerful asset for companies seeking to optimize their onboarding process. With their ability to simplify complex information, engage employees, and differentiate the product, these videos are a must-have for any successful onboarding program.

Key Features Benefits
Clear and concise explanations Easy comprehension and understanding for employees
Visual storytelling Engagement and retention of information
Simplified complex concepts Streamlined onboarding process
Alignment with company goals Promotion of company culture and values
Differentiation from competitors Increased market competitiveness

Reducing Customer Success Workload with FAQ and Demo Videos

FAQ videos and demo videos are vital during the onboarding process. They lessen the customer success teams’ burden by offering quick solutions. This improves the new employees’ onboarding experience.

FAQ videos tackle common questions with clear, concise answers. They are organized into categories like “Getting Started,” and “Troubleshooting.” This setup helps employees find what they need fast.

Demo videos show how to use tools and features step-by-step. They give practical guidance, making it easier for employees to understand the product. This speeds up onboarding and cuts down on the need for customer success teams’ help.

FAQ and demo videos make onboarding smoother and improve customer experience. Employees find answers quickly, becoming productive sooner. Meanwhile, customer success teams can handle more complex support issues. This ensures a better use of resources.

Benefits of FAQ and Demo Videos for Onboarding
The ability to access quick and accurate information
Reduction in repetitive inquiries to customer success teams
Enhanced onboarding experience through self-service learning
Improved efficiency by enabling employees to find answers independently
Reduced strain on customer success teams, allowing them to focus on more complex issues

FAQ and demo videos cut down on customer success workload and improve onboarding. FAQ videos offer quick answers, and demo videos show how to do things step-by-step. Both help new employees and increase productivity.

Testimonial: How Demo Videos Transformed Our Onboarding Process

I used to spend hours explaining the same concepts repeatedly during the onboarding process. Implementing demo videos not only reduced my workload but also empowered new employees to learn at their own pace. It’s a game-changer for our customer success team!– Sarah Johnson, Customer Success Manager at Acme Software

Creating Videos and Captions in Multiple Languages for Onboarding

Companies can make onboarding videos and captions in many languages. This helps employees from various backgrounds understand and feel welcome. It makes sure everyone can connect with the onboarding material.

AI tools help companies quickly change videos into different languages. This allows new employees to learn in the language they prefer. It shows the company cares about everyone and wants to make a welcoming place.

Captions add another way for employees to understand and access information. By putting captions on videos, companies help those who are hard of hearing. It also boosts understanding for everyone.

Here are some key benefits of making onboarding videos and captions in multiple languages:

  • Videos in Multiple Languages: Translated onboarding videos communicate well with a diverse workforce.
  • Inclusive Onboarding: Providing content in native languages makes companies more inclusive and values new hires.
  • Increased Comprehension: Translated videos help employees understand better, making it easier for them to start their jobs.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Captions in various languages make it easier for all employees, including those with hearing loss, to access information.

By offering videos and captions in different languages, companies can overcome language barriers. This creates a more inclusive and engaging onboarding experience for everyone.

Videos in Multiple Languages for Onboarding Benefits
Effective communication with diverse workforce Ensures all employees understand onboarding content
Create an inclusive onboarding experience Makes new hires feel valued and included
Improved comprehension of onboarding material Smooth transition into new roles
Enhanced accessibility with closed captions Accommodates employees with hearing impairments

Case Study: Company X’s Multilingual Onboarding Videos

Company X, a global tech firm, saw the need for onboarding materials in many languages for its diverse employees. They made videos in seven languages. Now, all employees can learn in their favorite language.

This approach made employees feel more connected and welcome. The clear, specific information met their language and cultural needs. Closed captions made the content easier to understand for everyone.

Videos in Multiple Languages for Onboarding

Company X showed its dedication to diversity, inclusion, and clear communication by focusing on multilingual videos and captions for onboarding.

Enhancing Onboarding Emails with Video Content

Emails are key for onboarding new employees, delivering important info. Yet, plain text can be boring and not grab attention. Adding videos makes onboarding emails more fun and grabs new hires’ interest.

Videos give newbies a cool way to see what the onboarding and culture are like. They’re better than just words for explaining things and showing what the company is about.

Videos help people remember stuff better than text does. So, when companies use videos, they help new hires remember their new roles and what the onboarding’s all about.

Videos also make new hires feel welcomed personally. They let company leaders or coworkers say hello in a warm way. This makes new employees feel valued and helps them bond with their team even before starting.

Example: Embedding a Welcome Video in an Onboarding Email

Here’s how you can add a video to an onboarding email:

Dear [New Employee’s Name],

We’re excited to have you at [Company Name]! To start, here’s a welcome video from our CEO, [CEO’s Name]. He’ll tell you about our culture and your onboarding. Just hit play below to watch:

We hope this video makes you feel part of the team. Got questions? Your onboarding buddy, [Onboarding Buddy’s Name], is here to help.

Welcome aboard! We’re eager to see you do great things with us.

Best regards,

The [Company Name] Team

The Impact of Video Content in Onboarding Emails

Video content really changes the onboarding experience. It makes things more engaging and helps new hires remember information. It also makes them feel connected to the company. Videos are a great way to welcome new employees and set them up for success.


Animated explainer videos help streamline onboarding by increasing engagement and making learning simpler. They clarify complex ideas, enhance company culture, and improve brand recognition. Videos like personalized welcome videos, product tours, and explainer videos make onboarding better. This helps new employees get ready for their jobs.

Personalized welcome videos show new hires they are valued while sharing the company’s values and culture. Product tour videos make it easier for employees to learn about the company’s products or services. And product explainer videos give a deep dive into the product’s features. This teaches employees about the tools they will use and how they stand out from competitors.

FAQ and demo videos can also lighten the customer success teams’ workload during onboarding. By creating videos in multiple languages, companies can easily communicate with a diverse workforce. Adding videos to onboarding emails makes them more engaging and interactive, making the information easier to grasp.


How can animated explainer videos optimize the virtual onboarding process?

Animated explainer videos make the onboarding process memorable and engaging. They clearly communicate company values. They are also customizable and cost-effective.

What are the benefits of using animated explainer videos for onboarding?

These videos make learning fun and engaging. They use visuals to simplify complex ideas. They also help new employees understand the company culture.

What types of animated explainer videos can be used for onboarding purposes?

There are many kinds. These include whiteboard, 2D, 3D, and motion animation videos. There are also live-action, kinetic typography, and screencast videos.

How can personalized welcome videos be used in onboarding?

Personalized welcome videos show gratitude to new hires. They kick off the onboarding process. They also share insights into the company’s culture and values.

What is the purpose of product tour videos in onboarding?

Product tour videos introduce new hires to company products. They showcase their features and benefits. This simplifies the onboarding process.

How can product explainer videos be utilized in onboarding?

Product explainer videos detail the functionality of a product. They help the staff understand how each tool works. This distinguishes the product in the market.

How can FAQ and demo videos reduce the workload of customer success teams during onboarding?

FAQ videos answer common questions for new hires. They improve the onboarding experience. Demo videos show how to use tools, enhancing the process.

How can videos and captions be created in multiple languages for onboarding?

To support a diverse team, create videos and captions in various languages. AI tools can translate videos quickly. Closed captions improve understanding and accessibility.

How can video content enhance onboarding emails?

Onboarding emails can include video content. This makes the info more interesting and interactive. It also boosts engagement with new hires.

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