Animated Explainer Videos

How to Use Animated Explainer Videos in Live Presentations

Animated explainer videos are key for grabbing attention and making hard topics clear. They work great whether you are pitching, at a trade show, or training staff. These videos boost your message and leave a strong impact on people watching.

Key Takeaways:

  • Animated explainer videos are a powerful tool for engaging and clarifying concepts in live presentations.
  • They can be used in pitches to capture the attention of potential customers and investors.
  • Trade shows and conventions provide an opportunity to stand out with explainer videos running on loops.
  • Email marketing campaigns can be boosted with the inclusion of animated explainer videos.
  • Animated explainer videos facilitate effective employee training and onboarding.

Engage Potential Customers and Investors with Animated Explainer Videos in Your Pitch

When you pitch to potential customers and investors, animated explainer videos are a great tool. They let you show the heart of your idea in a fun and easy way. This grabs your audience’s attention right away.

These videos can kick things off powerfully. They visually show the problem and how you solve it. This way, you clearly share what makes your idea special.

Animated explainer videos are a hit because they tell a story and look good. They make tough ideas simple and easy to grasp. This helps your audience remember what your pitch is all about.

Take XYZ, a top tech startup, for example. They used an animated video to explain their software to investors. This showed off what the software does, its perks, and how it could shake up the market. Thanks to this, XYZ got a big investment and drew in more customers.

Adding animated explainer videos to your pitch helps you:

  1. Grab your audience’s attention from the start
  2. Make complicated ideas easy to understand
  3. Show why your idea is unique and beneficial
  4. Make your presentation look better

Using animated explainer videos is getting popular in many fields. They’re great whether you’re introducing a product, starting a company, or looking for investment. These videos can make your pitch better than others.

Remember, a good pitch needs to connect with potential customers and investors. With animated explainer videos, your message sticks and boosts your chances of getting support.

John Smith, an investor, said he remembers pitches with animated videos the most. They helped him see how the product works and its possible success quickly.

So don’t hesitate. Add animated explainer videos to your pitches now. Stand out, draw in your audience, and make a memorable impact on potential customers and investors.

“Animated explainer videos are crucial for standout pitches. They truly differentiate successful pitches from the others.”

Next, we’ll see how animated explainer videos shine at trade shows and conventions. They help you make a strong impression and outshine competitors.

Use Animated Explainer Videos at Trade Shows and Conventions

Trade shows and conventions are great for meeting potential customers and partners. At these busy events, grabbing attention is key. Animated explainer videos help you stand out.

Imagine an animated video playing as you talk to people. This lets you share your message fast and well. In seconds, people can get who you are and what you offer. This can lead to more talks and possible leads.

Animated explainer videos have several benefits at these events:

  1. Engaging and Captivating: They grab people’s attention fast in a busy place.
  2. Clear Communication: They make complex ideas simple and eye-catching. This helps people understand what you offer.
  3. Impactful Storytelling: With creative animation, you can share your brand’s story in a way that speaks to your audience.

Animated explainer videos can make you memorable at trade shows. They help you shine among many. Now, let’s see how they have worked for some big companies:

“At the recent XYZ trade show, our animated video brought many to our booth. The video clearly showed our solution’s benefits. This led to important partnerships and new leads.” – John Smith, CEO of Company ABC

Company Trade Show/Convention Results
Company XYZ Annual Trade Show A Increase in booth visitors by 25%
Company ABC Convention B New partnership opportunities
Company DEF Industry Conference C Boost in lead generation by 30%

Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns with Animated Explainer Videos

Email marketing is key in today’s digital world. It helps you connect with your audience and increase sales. But, it is hard to stand out due to the many marketing emails sent out. Animated explainer videos can help with this issue.

These videos are lively and eye-catching. They can make your message unforgettable for your subscribers. This leads to more people opening and clicking on your emails.

So, how can these videos improve your email marketing?

1. Introduce Products or Services

Don’t just use text and pictures. Animated videos can show what’s great about your products or services. They show how you can fix a problem or fulfill a need. This makes subscribers want to learn more or buy something.

2. Demonstrate Assembly or Usage

For complex products, animated videos can make things simple. They guide subscribers on how to use or assemble your products. This makes customers more confident and happy. It also means fewer people asking for help.

3. Reconnect with Old Customers

Animated videos are great for reaching out to old and new customers. They remind former customers about the value of your brand. This can make them buy from you again and stay loyal.

Here’s an example: Nature’s Delights used an animated video to show off their new organic snacks to past customers. The video talked about the snack benefits and supporting a healthy lifestyle. They saw a 30% increase in click-through rates and a 10% increase in sales from these customers.

Animated explainer videos make your email marketing more powerful. You can use them to introduce new items, show how to use your products, or get back in touch with past customers. These videos deliver your message well and encourage people to act.

Next, we’ll see how animated explainer videos are useful for training and onboarding employees. They provide a fun and clear way to give out important info and steps.

Enhance Employee Training and Onboarding with Animated Explainer Videos

Training and onboarding new employees is crucial. It ensures their long-term success in your organization. Using animated explainer videos is a powerful way to do this.

These videos provide a visually engaging way to share info. They ensure everyone gets the same information. They also make complex ideas simpler and training fun.

Animated explainer videos can cover various topics. These range from company policies to software usage. They grab your employees’ attention and keep them focused.

For onboarding, these videos are great. They don’t overwhelm newcomers with too much text or long talks. Instead, they present everything in concise, appealing videos. This helps new employees feel connected and get up to speed fast.

Many companies already use these videos for training and onboarding. Acme Corporation, for example, trains their support team with them. They make learning engaging and ensure key concepts are understood.

“Animated explainer videos have revolutionized our employee training process. They make learning fun and enable us to deliver information consistently to all our team members. The videos have become an integral part of our onboarding program, helping new hires quickly adapt to our company culture and workflows.”

– Jane Smith, HR Manager at Acme Corporation

In conclusion, incorporating animated explainer videos can enhance learning. They provide clear and engaging content. This improves knowledge retention and creates a better training environment.

Examples of Companies Using Animated Explainer Videos for Employee Training and Onboarding

Company Industry Training Topics
Acme Corporation Technology Communication skills, problem-solving techniques, product knowledge
Global Retail Solutions Retail Customer service, sales techniques, store procedures
Healthcare Innovators Healthcare Medical protocols, patient care, compliance training

Employee Training

Improve Your Recruitment Techniques with Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos can change the game in the recruitment world. They offer a deep connection with potential hires by giving insights into your company. This includes peeks at the company culture, job roles, and the hiring journey.

By showing your company culture with these videos, candidates can see themselves on your team. They get to understand your values, work environment, and benefits. This makes your company stand out and builds a stronger bond with potential employees.

These videos are great for sharing your company’s mission, vision, and goals. They spotlight what makes your organization unique and the special chances you give. This attracts people who share your values and dreams.

They also clearly explain job roles and what they involve. By detailing the skills needed and daily tasks, candidates know what to expect. And they understand what you expect from them.

Using these videos shows you’re into innovation and modern methods. It signals to tech-savvy job seekers that your company is dynamic and up-to-date. This can be very appealing.

“Animated explainer videos have changed how we recruit. They showcase our company vibe and give a preview of working with us. We’ve gotten better quality candidates since using these videos.” – Jane Smith, HR Manager at Acme Inc.

Successful Examples of Animated Explainer Videos in Recruitment

Here are companies that nailed it with animated explainer videos in recruitment:

  1. ABC Tech made a video that highlights their culture, environment, and growth chances. It’s helped them pull in top talent and stand out in the tech field.
  2. XYZ Consulting used videos to show off their departments and culture. It’s let candidates understand the company better and see themselves fitting right in.
  3. 123 Startup’s videos focus on the cool projects and tech their team gets to work with. This has attracted skilled people excited about innovation.

These examples show how powerful animated explainer videos are for recruitment. With this tool, you can up your recruitment game and draw the best talent to your team.

Leverage Animated Explainer Videos for Effective Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising has changed how businesses reach people. Platforms like Facebook have advanced tools for targeting. You can make your marketing better and more visible. Animated explainer videos make your message clear and engaging for potential customers on social media.

Using animated explainer videos in your social ads can grab attention. They mix visual stories with clear messages. This way, you can share complex ideas simply and fun. Whether it’s for a product, service, or brand, these videos improve your ad campaign.

“Social media is the perfect platform to showcase animated explainer videos. Its fast-paced nature and visual focus make it an ideal platform to capture the attention of your target audience and deliver your message effectively.”

Benefits of Using Animated Explainer Videos in Social Media Advertising

Adding animated explainer videos to your ads has many benefits:

  • Increased Engagement: These videos draw people in quickly. This means more interactions, clicks, and conversions from your ads.
  • Improved Brand Recognition: Memorable and appealing videos help people remember your brand better.
  • Enhanced Messaging: These videos make complex info easy to understand and visually interesting. This helps your main points hit home with your audience.
  • Optimized Targeting: Social media’s targeting tools let you reach the right people. Your animated videos can speak directly to the audience you choose, leading to better results.

Many companies have seen success with animated explainer videos in their ads. Here are some examples:

Company Campaign
XYZ Tech XYZ Tech used animated videos for Facebook ads, highlighting their new software benefits. These videos drove high engagement and more product questions.
ABC Fashion ABC Fashion’s animated videos for their latest collection created buzz. This led to more online sales.
123 Food Delivery 123 Food Delivery’s Instagram ads with animated videos showed their service’s ease. This led to more app downloads and orders.

These cases show that animated explainer videos can boost your social media ads. They increase brand awareness, engagement, and business growth.

Use animated explainer videos in your social media ads for better audience connection. With the right message and visuals, you can achieve great results and stand out on social media.

Showcasing Animated Explainer Videos at Conferences and Events

Conferences and events are great for connecting with your audience. Animated explainer videos are an effective way to introduce your brand. They make your products and services stand out in a fun way.

Imagine a short video that showcases your brand message and highlights your products. This grabs your audience’s attention right away. Animated videos are perfect for busy events because they catch the eye.

Using animated videos at events helps explain complex ideas simply. They mix visuals, narration, and stories to make information easy to understand. This makes your message stick with your audience.

These videos can match the event’s theme, making your presentation cohesive. You can customize branding and colors. This creates a visually cohesive experience that connects with attendees more deeply.

Let’s look at some successful uses of animated explainer videos at events:

Company Conference/Event Objective Result
ABC Corporation Tech Innovators Conference Introduce new product Increase in booth traffic and product inquiries
XYZ Startup Industry Summit Showcase unique selling points Positive feedback from attendees and increased brand visibility
123 Enterprise Annual Sales Event Highlight sales achievements Inspire and motivate sales team, leading to increased sales performance

As shown, animated explainer videos have helped various companies. They engage attendees, meet goals, and get real results. These videos can be shown at your booth, in your presentations, or during networking.

animated explainer videos at conferences and events

Animated explainer videos are great for catching attendees’ attention at events. They convey your brand message and leave a lasting impression. To make your videos successful, tailor them to your event’s goals, connect with your audience, and use storytelling and visuals to engage and inspire.

Different Styles of Animated Explainer Videos for Different Objectives

There are many styles of animated explainer videos to pick from. Each has its own use for various goals and audiences. You might want a motion graphics video that grabs attention, a cute 2D animation, an engaging whiteboard animation, or a 3D animation that pops. The style you choose is key to delivering your message and meeting your goals.

What are the benefits and use cases of these different styles? Let’s explore:

Motion Graphics:

Motion graphics mix cool visuals, text, and animation for a lively effect. They’re great for breaking down complex ideas or data. This makes them perfect for videos that educate or inform.

2D Animation:

2D animation is flexible, from simple to complex designs. It’s good for stories or showing off characters, making it top-notch for telling your brand’s story, showing products, or crafting video tales.

Whiteboard Animation:

Whiteboard animation feels like drawing on a board, which is engaging and fun. It works well for explaining things, showing steps, or making tutorials unforgettable.

3D Animation:

3D animation brings depth and wow-factor to videos. With cool tech, it’s ideal for showcasing products, visualizing designs, or telling stories in a captivating way.

Choosing the right style for your goals boosts your video’s impact. Now, let’s see some examples where different styles shone:

Objective Style Example
Education Motion Graphics XYZ Academy
Brand Storytelling 2D Animation ABC Inc.
Process Explanation Whiteboard Animation 123 Corporation
Product Showcase 3D Animation DEF Industries

These examples show how using different styles meets specific goals. This opens up many creative options for your animated explainer videos.

Key Best Practices for Creating Effective Animated Explainer Videos

Making engaging animated explainer videos takes careful planning and action. Stick to the key best practices to captivate your viewers and share your message well. Consider these top practices:

  1. Focus on your audience: Know your target audience before making the video. Find out what they need, like, and what issues they have. This helps you make a video that really speaks to them and solves their problems.
  2. Start strong: Catch your viewers’ interest right away. Use an exciting hook or question to spark their curiosity. This approach keeps them focused from the start, making them more likely to watch the whole thing.
  3. Keep it short: Short, clear explainer videos work best. Try to keep your video 1-2 minutes long. Stick to your key message and skip the extra fluff or long-winded details.
  4. Use a well-crafted script: A good script is vital for a great explainer video. Invest time in writing a script that’s clear, engaging, and gets your message across. Use everyday language, storytelling, and visual hints to boost engagement.
  5. Provide powerful narration: Pick a narrator or voice artist whose voice matches your brand and video vibe. The right voice can bring out emotions, make your story richer, and lift the impact of your video.

Key Takeaways:

To make effective animated explainer videos, focus on your audience and start with something that grabs attention. Keep it short, use a good script, and choose strong narration. These practices help make animated explainer videos that are powerful, engaging, and communicate your message clearly to your audience.

We’ll next show some of the best animated explainer videos. These will inspire you and show examples of success.

Showcase of the Best Animated Explainer Videos

We’re here to inspire with a handpicked selection of top animated explainer videos. These videos shine by mixing styles, techniques, and smart strategies to get their messages across and grab their audience’s attention. By exploring these examples, you’ll find great ideas for making your own animated videos that really capture people’s interest.

1. Company X: “Product Demo”

Company X’s animated video brings their main product to life with amazing visuals. It shows off the product’s key points, benefits, and how to use it. This makes it a powerful way to draw in new customers.

2. Brand Y: “Brand Story”

Brand Y uses their video to tell their brand’s story in a vivid, engaging way. The mix of bright colors, great storytelling, and characters we can relate to helps share the brand’s core values. It also creates a strong emotional bond with the audience.

3. Organization Z: “Process Explanation”

Organization Z breaks down a complicated process with easy-to-understand visuals in their video. It uses animated icons and clear narration to keep the audience interested. The video makes sure viewers get the process without feeling lost.

“The best animated explainer videos blend creativity with clarity to get their message across. They use various techniques and styles to not just attract but also keep viewers interested. This makes them not only effective but also unforgettable.”

Industry Expert

These examples are just a taste of the incredible animated videos out there. Each one proves how animation can capture, teach, and entertain an audience in its own unique way. By learning from these best practices, you can make animated explainers that truly stand out and achieve your goals.


Animated explainer videos are a top choice for boosting live talks. They catch your audience’s eyes, making hard topics easy and memorable. This guide showed different ways to use them, styles, and tips for your benefit. Whether pitching, training, or boosting your brand online, these videos can make your talks shine and keep your audience hooked.

Adding animated videos to your talk makes people listen and stay interested. They mix great visuals, stories, and facts to make your point clear and stick. Plus, they let you show off your unique style and brand while getting your message across.

Lastly, animated explainer videos mean a lot for anyone speaking to an audience. They make your presentations better, help you connect more, and reach your speaking aims. So, if you’re starting a business, selling something, or training staff, use these videos. Watch how they bring your words to life.


What are animated explainer videos?

Animated explainer videos are a fun way to explain a product or idea. They use animation to keep it interesting and can be watched over and over.

How can animated explainer videos enhance live presentations?

These videos make live presentations better. They grab the audience’s attention and clear up tough ideas.

How can animated explainer videos be used in pitches?

They highlight the main benefits of a product or idea in pitches. This leaves a lasting impact on potential customers and investors.

How can animated explainer videos be used at trade shows and conventions?

At events, they tell people who you are and what you do in an instant. This makes you more noticeable and leaves a strong impression.

How can animated explainer videos be used in email marketing campaigns?

These videos turn emails into something people want to watch. They can show off a product, how to use it, or catch up with past customers.

How can animated explainer videos be used for employee training and onboarding?

They share crucial info and steps in an easy-to-follow way. This keeps training the same for everyone and lets employees review anytime.

How can animated explainer videos be used in recruitment strategies?

They give a peek into the company and what jobs involve. This attracts the right people and starts building a connection.

How can animated explainer videos be used in social media advertising campaigns?

Use them for ads on social media to hit the right crowd. They get your message across well.

How can animated explainer videos be used at conferences and events?

Play them to quickly get people interested, show off your brand, and leave a mark.

What are the different styles of animated explainer videos?

There’s a bunch: motion graphics, 2D, whiteboard, and 3D. Each one fits a different goal and audience.

What are the key best practices for creating effective animated explainer videos?

To make great videos, know your audience and start strong. Keep it brief, write a good script, and use impactful narration.

Can you provide examples of the best animated explainer videos?

Yes, we feature top animated explainer videos. They show off different styles and ways to engage viewers.

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