Animated Explainer Videos

Pricing Models for Animated Explainer Video Services

Welcome to our guide on pricing models for animated explainer video services. Considering an animated explainer video for your business? It’s key to know the different prices out there. We’ll cover the costs, look into pricing types, and assist you to choose well between cost and quality.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pricing for animated explainer videos can vary significantly, with average costs ranging from $950 to $250,000 for a 60-second video.
  • The sweet spot for pricing is typically between $4,000 and $7,000, offering a balance between affordability and quality.
  • Factors such as production quality, customization, and provider location can influence the cost of animated explainer videos.
  • There are different pricing options available, including online video creators, freelancers, explainer video production companies, and full-service marketing agencies.
  • Consider your specific video needs, budget, and desired level of customization when choosing the right pricing model for your animated explainer video project.

How Much Does an Explainer Video Cost?

Explainer videos are a key topic when it comes to their costs. It’s important for companies to understand what goes into the price. This helps businesses invest wisely in this marketing strategy.

A 60-second explainer video typically costs about $8,746. But this price can change based on different elements.

Quality: A higher-quality video with top-notch animation costs more.

Customization Level: Videos made just for you are pricier than template ones.

Location: If the company is in a big city, production might cost more.

These prices are usually up for discussion. Negotiating can sometimes cut the cost by 10%. This makes it easier for budget-conscious businesses.

Choosing cheap videos under $4,000 might be tempting. But they often lack the quality of professional ones. A bit more investment can get you a video that really fits your brand.

Knowing what affects explainer video costs helps companies. They can find the right balance between price and quality. This way, they make choices that match their budget and goals.

Reasonable Pricing for an Explainer Video

Finding a reasonable price for an explainer video is crucial. The best price range is between $4,000 and $10,000. In this range, you get a video that’s well-made, with custom elements, top-notch visuals, engaging animations, and a story that grabs attention.

Choosing within this price range means your video will meet your needs without costing too much. Even the more expensive videos may not be significantly better to make the extra cost worth it.

Benefits of Reasonable Pricing

  • Customization: With a reasonable-priced explainer video, you can strike the perfect balance between tailored messaging and affordability.
  • Quality Visuals: A reasonably priced video provides professional-grade visuals that enhance engagement and deliver impact.
  • Compelling Animation: Professionally crafted animations within your pricing range add a touch of creativity, making your video more engaging and memorable.
  • Effective Storytelling: A reasonably priced explainer video allows you to effectively communicate your brand’s story, capturing the attention of your target audience.

It’s key not to spend too much on extras that don’t much improve your video. By sticking to a reasonable pricing range, you’ll get a great video that effectively represents your brand without overspending.

When choosing an explainer video, finding the right price point is crucial. Aim for a reasonable range that offers customization, quality visuals, animation, and storytelling, while avoiding overpaying for marginal improvements.”


Section Summary


In this section, we discussed the importance of finding a reasonable price for your explainer video. We highlighted the quality balance that can be achieved within the pricing range of $4,000 to $10,000. By choosing this range, you can ensure that your video is tailored to your needs, visually appealing, and engaging. Avoiding overpayment for marginal improvements is essential when selecting the right price point for your explainer video.


Price Range Key Features
$4,000 – $6,000 Customization, high-quality visuals, engaging animation, and effective storytelling within an affordable range.
$6,000 – $8,000 Enhanced customization options, improved visuals, advanced animation techniques, and a more compelling narrative.
$8,000 – $10,000 Extensive customization, top-tier visuals, intricate animations, and a captivating story that leaves a lasting impact.


Table: Explainer Video Pricing Ranges and Key Features–>

Pricing Options Overview

When thinking about making an explainer video, there are four main pricing paths to look at:

1. Online Video and Animation Creators

Prices start from $50 to $500. This choice is for those on a tight budget and with time to spare. Online video and animation makers are affordable. Yet, they offer limited customization and quality. They work best for straightforward videos and for those willing to put effort into scriptwriting and being creative.

2. Freelancers

The cost with freelancers can change a lot. They range from $2,500 to $12,000. Freelancers are a strong pick for specific video tasks or smaller parts of a project. They bring flexibility to the table. Yet, they might cost more than a team from a company. You’ll also spend more time searching for the right talents, setting schedules, and managing a freelancer team.

3. Explainer Video Production Companies

Here, prices go from $4,500 to more than $10,000, based on what you need. This route gives a full-pack service with a pro team and top-notch results. Choosing an explainer video company gives you an easy process, expert help, and a video that fits your brand. It strikes a good balance in terms of customization, quality visuals, animation, and storytelling.

4. Full-Service Marketing Agencies

Costs with these agencies start from $15,000 to over $100,000, depending on your project’s depth and marketing strategy needs. This choice covers video making and strategic marketing plans to boost ROI. Going with a full-service marketing agency means having a whole marketing team. They focus on making a complete marketing strategy while making your video.

To sum it up, explainer video pricing varies from budget-friendly online creators to full-scale marketing agencies. Your choice should depend on your budget, video needs, how much customization you want, and the level of marketing strategy you’re aiming for.

Option 1: Online Video and Animation Creators

For those on a tight budget who like to do things themselves, online video and animation creators are a great choice. They cost between $50 to $500, making them affordable for DIY video making. These tools are easy to use and offer lots of templates, so you can make videos even without advanced tech skills.

But remember, while these tools save money, they have their drawbacks. You might not get to customize much, leading to videos that aren’t very unique. Also, the video and animation quality might not be as good as what professionals offer. So, these online tools are better for simple projects that value cost-saving more than high-end quality or customization.

If saving money matters a lot to you and you have time to write and be creative, these online platforms can help. You can make interesting videos that do their job without spending too much.

Option 2: Hire Freelancers

Hiring freelancers is a good idea for special video tasks or smaller parts of a project. They bring special skills and know-how. But remember, they might cost more and pose other issues.

Freelancers often have higher rates than production companies. Their fees depend on experience, skills, and how complex your project is. Prices usually range between $2,500 and $12,000.

While they offer more flexibility and specific expertise, there could be hurdles. It takes time and effort to find and check freelancers who fit your project needs well. Also, organizing a group of freelancers can be hard.

“Freelancers provide specialized skills and expertise for specific video needs, but hiring them may come with higher costs and coordination challenges.”

Still, choosing freelancers can be smart for certain video tasks. If you need special knowledge or a novel creative view, they could be perfect. Ensure your budget and project needs match the freelancer’s skills for a good partnership.

Next, we will examine the pricing for animated explainer video services. Then, we’ll look at the benefits of choosing an explainer video production company.

specific video needs

Option 3: Hiring an Explainer Video Production Company

Hiring an established production house for your explainer video can be a game-changer. They provide a full-service experience and guarantee quality output. The cost ranges from $4,500 to $10,000+. Choosing a seasoned production company brings many benefits.

  • Professionals with Extensive Experience: You get a team of pros skilled in making engaging explainer videos. They deeply understand your needs. This ensures a video that fits your brand and goals perfectly.
  • Portfolio Showcasing Quality Work: A top-notch production house has a portfolio full of great projects. It shows they can deliver top-quality videos. This portfolio helps you trust their abilities.
  • Simplified Processes and Project Management: A production company makes everything smoother and more manageable. They guide you from the first meeting to the final video. This ensures a well-managed and efficient production journey.

Choosing this option means your video will have amazing visuals and animation. It will be a video that truly reflects your brand. The team’s expertise and professionalism turn your idea into a compelling explainer video. It will grab the attention of your audience.

An established production house ensures a full-service experience and quality output.

Option 4: Hiring a Full-Service Marketing Agency

Choosing a full-service marketing agency for your animated explainer video can be a game-changer. These agencies offer more than just making a video. They bring a team that plans and works to make sure your video really pays off.

The cost might be between $15,000 to $100,000+, but the investment brings in a lot of expertise. Besides making the video, they help with the marketing strategy and its rollout. This ensures your video fits perfectly with your marketing goals.

A full-service marketing agency comes with deep knowledge of what viewers like, the latest trends, and the best marketing spots. Working together with them means your video will not only look good. It will also achieve real-world results.

However, it’s important to know some agencies might not make the video themselves. They might get someone else to do it. Before you decide, make sure to ask who will make your video and if they meet your standards.

Added Benefits of Hiring a Full-Service Marketing Agency

  • Marketing Strategy: The agency builds a whole marketing plan around your video. They think about who to show it to, what it will say, and where it will be shown.
  • Expertise: They have marketing experts who know how to make successful campaigns. They ensure your video fits with your brand and talks to your audience right.
  • Maximized ROI: By blending your video into your overall plan, an agency helps you get the most out of your investment. They use their skills and knowledge to drive results.
  • Seamless Project Management: With a project manager dedicated to your campaign, expect easy talks and well-managed tasks. This means a project that goes smoothly and turns out well.

When thinking about getting a full-service marketing agency, look into their past work, reputation, and success stories. Choose agencies known for nailing video campaigns and understanding your field and people you want to reach.

Benefits Costs
Integrated marketing strategy Higher costs
Access to marketing expertise Investment required
Maximized ROI Varies based on project scope
Seamless project management Increased coordination

What Factors Drive Explainer Video Production Costs?

Several factors affect explainer video production costs. Each one adds to the total price, ensuring a top-notch video that fits your needs. Here are the main things to consider:

  1. Video Type: Choosing between stock footage, live-action, or animation changes the cost. Animation is often pricier because it requires intricate work to create eye-catching, dynamic pictures.
  2. Video Length: The video’s duration impacts cost too. Shorter videos are usually cheaper, needing less time and resources. But longer videos cost more because they need more work, like scripting and editing.
  3. Target Platform: Where you plan to show your video affects the cost. Different places demand different video setups. Adjusting your video to fit these can add to the cost.
  4. Script Development: Need help writing the video script? That will cost extra. Having your script ready can save you money on these costs.
  5. Project Scope: How big your project is also matters. Making several videos at once might get you a deal on the price per video. This is cheaper than making them one by one.
  6. Production Company’s Standards: The production company you choose impacts the final price. Ones with high standards, lots of experience, and the best gear tend to charge more for their top-quality work.

Knowing these factors helps you make smart choices for your explainer video. This way, you can get the most for your money.

Explainer Video Production Costs

The Production Process Vs The Cost

Creating an explainer video goes through many key stages. Each stage plays a role in the final cost. Knowing these stages helps with budgeting and making good choices.

Explainer Video Production Process

Explainer video production process starts by understanding the product or service. Knowing its main features, benefits, and who it’s for is key to making a story that grabs attention.

The next step is writing the script. This means making a short and captivating story. It must get the brand’s message across quickly.

Storyboarding comes next. It’s where you plan out the visuals. Designing the storyboard makes sure everyone knows how the final video should look.

Then, the team gets ready for preparing the set or animation. They work on making the backgrounds, props, and characters for either a live video or an animated one.

Finding the right hiring talent follows. Whether it’s voiceover artists or on-screen actors, picking the right people is crucial. They add an extra layer of quality to your video.

With everything ready, the production phase starts. This is shooting or designing the video. Here, all the creative ideas come to life in the final video.

The last step is editing. It’s about polishing the video. Adding effects, music, and adjusting the final look to make sure it engages and impresses the audience.

Impacts on Cost and Video Quality

The production process needs time, effort, and resources. All these affect how much an explainer video costs.

The script, storyboard, set, and animation’s complexity also affect cost. More complex projects need more time and skill, increasing expenses.

Using professional tools, top-quality equipment, and skilled talent does increase costs. But, it also makes the video better. Investing in these areas ensures the video looks great and delivers the message well.

Production Stage Impact on Cost
Understanding the product Low
Writing the script Medium
Designing the storyboard Medium
Preparing the set or animation High
Hiring talent High
Shooting or designing the video High
Editing Medium

Finding a balance between the production steps and cost is essential. You want a top-notch video without breaking the bank. Working with experts can guide businesses through these steps for the best outcomes.

Explainer Video Cost Estimation

Planning to create an explainer video means knowing the costs. Costs usually fall between $2,500 and $20,000. This depends on various factors.

Factors Influencing Cost

The cost of an explainer video changes based on a few main factors:

  • Video Type: The video’s style, like animated or live-action, affects cost. Animation costs more due to its complexity and the time it takes.
  • Video Length: How long the video is also matters. Longer videos take more effort and resources, raising the price.
  • Script Inclusion: Crafting a script is critical for a good explainer video. Some companies write scripts, but you can also bring your own to cut costs.

Cost Estimates for Different Types of Explainer Videos

Here are cost estimates for different explainer video types at 90 seconds or more:

Type of Explainer Video Estimated Cost Range
Animated Explainer Video $11,180 – $17,560
Live-Action Explainer Video $10,200 – $12,460

These numbers should guide you. But actual costs can change based on your project’s demands, customization, and the production company’s skill level.

Think about your budget, what you want to achieve, and how much you expect to get back. Teaming up with a reputable company helps you find the right price. This ensures a good explainer video that fits your brand and engages your audience.

With this knowledge on explainer video costs, you’re set to make wise choices. Choose a pricing plan that meets your requirements.


When looking into animated explainer video services, finding the right cost-quality balance is key. An average 60-second video costs about $8,746. Yet, this price can change a lot depending on things like customization and where the provider is located.

For startups and small businesses, spending between $4,000 and $7,000 is wise. This range gives you a good mix of affordability and high quality. It’s important to think about all the price options before deciding what’s best for your business and budget.

There are many choices out there, such as online video creators, freelancers, production companies, and marketing agencies. Each choice has its unique benefits and things to think about. By looking at what you need and how much you can spend, you can pick the payment plan that meets your goals well and gets you the most for your money.


What are the pricing models for animated explainer video services?

The pricing for animated explainer videos comes in a few forms. You have online creators, freelancers, production companies, and marketing agencies.

How much does an explainer video cost?

Explainer video prices change based on the video’s type, length, and quality. A 60-second video costs about ,746 on average. But, prices can be as low as 0 or as high as 0,000.

What is a reasonable pricing range for an explainer video?

For startups and small businesses, spending between ,000 and ,000 is a good idea. This price range is a great mix of value and quality for the videos.

What are the options for pricing an explainer video?

When pricing an explainer video, your options include DIY creation tools, hiring freelancers, working with production companies, or full-service agencies.

What are online video and animation creators?

These are do-it-yourself tools for making videos at low cost. They may be low cost, from to 0, but this could mean less customization and quality.

How can I hire freelancers for my explainer video?

You can find freelancers on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Prices vary from ,500 to ,000 based on the freelancer’s experience and project complexity.

What are the advantages of hiring an explainer video production company?

Production companies offer professionals for a full-service experience. They give top quality, easy processes and a video customized to your brand. Prices generally start at ,500 and can go beyond ,000.

What does hiring a full-service marketing agency entail?

Full-service agencies do more than make videos. They plan your marketing strategy to boost your investment return. Their prices vary from ,000 to over 0,000.

What factors drive the cost of explainer video production?

Video type, length, platform, and production quality all affect the price. Script writing and project scope also play a part in deciding the cost.

What does the explainer video production process involve?

Making an explainer video involves many steps. It includes product research, scriptwriting, storyboarding, setting up, hiring talent, shooting, and editing. All these stages affect the final cost.

How can I estimate the cost of an explainer video?

To estimate costs, consider the video’s type and length, and if you need a script. Animated videos of 90 seconds may cost between ,180 and ,560. For live-action videos of similar length, expect to pay between ,200 and ,460.

What is the importance of choosing the right pricing model for an explainer video?

Picking the right pricing model is vital. It affects your video’s quality and how well your budget is used. Make sure to weigh your options to find what works best for you.

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